Hey guys I am Nibu babu thomas.
I often used to think that I should have a website of my own. I am realising that
dream. Something about me.
I am an MCA. I have done B.Com also.
I also love to play musical instruments. I
only play christian music.
The passion of my life is to be a great computer programmer and to develop an operating
system like LINUX and to name it as NIBX. How's it. Cool isn't it. It's just a distant dream which I am trying hard
to achieve.
I enjoy life in the right way. I am very choosy about the friends I make. Don't be scared I am an extremely
friendly person.
Visit me again.
Note: If you are a programmer then do please join the 'CrazyProgrammers' group at YahooGroups
My Favorites
Favorite Band or Musician: Integrity music, Ron Kenoly Favorite movie: Ben-hur Favorite book: Anything related
to Computers Favorite sports team: Indian cricket team. Favorite food: Anything cooked by my dearest mother
My Hobbies
Playing guitar, piano, drums. Writing interesting computer programs
Most Admired
My Father and Mother